
Anasayfa » Faculty


History, Department Chair
Prof. Dr., Medieval History Sub-Department, Chair

Education: Ph.D., 2004, Ankara University

Research Interests: History of Caucasus, History of Islam, Ottoman Historiography of Islamic History, Medieval Armenian History, Islam-Byzantine Relations in the Middle Ages.

Selected Publications: Mehmet Çog received his masters degree from Fırat University in 1997 with his thesis entitled “20. Yüzyıl Çorum Tarihi ve İnanç Coğrafyası.” He completed his Ph.D. from Ankara University in 2004, his dissertation’s title was “II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi İslam Tarihçiliği (1908-1918).” He penned two books; VII-X. Yüzyıllarda Güney Kafkasya ve Müslüman Araplar and Vezirköprü Nüfus Defteri. He wrote numerous articles, some of these are titled as “İslam-Bizans İlişkileri Bağlamında ‘Pavlikanlar’ Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme,” “Emeviler ve Abbasiler Dönemi Hazar-Arap İlişkileri,” and “II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi İslam Tarihçiliğimiz.”

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 1507
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Ancient History Sub-Department, Chair
Prof. Dr., History Department
Ph.D., 1999, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin


Research Interests: Ottoman History, Urban History (Cities of Blacksea), History of Modernization, Ottoman-Germany Political, Economical and Military Relations.

Selected Publications: Mehmet Beşirli obtained his masters degree from 19 Mayıs University with his thesis titled “XIX. Yüzyılın Başlarında Samsun Şehri (1755 Numaralı Samsun Şeriye Siciline Göre)” in 1993. He received his Ph.D. degree from Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin in 1999, his dissertation was entitled “Die europäische Finanzkontrolle im Osmanischen Reich von 1908 bis 1914.” He wrote several books, which are Die europäische Finanzkontrolle im Osmanischen Reich in der Zeit von 1908 bis 1914, XIX Yüzyılın Başlarında Bir Âyanın Yaşamından Kesitler: Zile Âyanı İlbaşıoğlu Küçük Ahmed Ağa and Orta Karadeniz Kentleri Tarihi I: Tokat (1771 -1853). His selected articles include “19. Yüzyılın İlk Yarısında Tokatta Fiyatlar,” “Tokat Voyvodalığı, 1774-1842,” “II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Osmanlı Ordusunda Alman Silahları” and “Osmanlıda Modernleşme ve Aydınlar, 1789-1908.”

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 1506
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Early Modern History Sub-Department, Chair
Prof. Dr., History Department

Education: Ph.D 1999-Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin


Research Interests: Early Modern History, Ottoman History Diplomacy, History of Ottoman Classical Age, Ottoman Historical Texts

Selected Publications: In 1992, Songül Çolak completed her MA thesis entitled “1530 (H. 937) Tarihli Tahrir Defterine Göre Darende Kazası.” In 1999, she completed her dissertation, of which title is “Die Bedeutung des Geschichtsschreibers Ahmed b. Mahmud und seines Werkes Tarih-i Göynüklü als Quelle für die Geschichte des Osmanischen Reichesim 18. Jahrhundert.” Her selected articles are “Avusturya Elçiliği Esnasında 1688-1692 Zülfikâr Paşa’nın Lehistan Vekilleri ile Yaptığı Sulh Müzakereleri” and “Aziz Efendi’nin Risalesine Göre 17. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Merkez Ordusunun Durumu.” She wrote and contributed to several books, one of them is IV. Murad’ın Bağdad Seferi Menzilnâmesi (1638).

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 1510
Office Hours: Wed., 13.00-14.00

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Common Courses Department, Chair
Assoc. Prof. Dr., General Turkish History Sub-Department Chair

Ph.D., 2012, Karadeniz Technical University


Research Interest: Ottoman Provinces during Tanzimat Era, Socio-economical Structure of Black Sea Region, Microhistory and its sources, Travel Literature, French Consulate Institution and its Consulate Activities.

Selected Publications: In 2006 Özgür Yılmaz wrote his MA thesis entitled ‘‘Batılı Seyyahlara Göre Trabzon (1808-1878).’’ In  2012 yılında he completed his dissertation, of which title is ‘‘Tanzimat Döneminde Trabzon.’’ His selected articles are “The Last French Diplomatic Agent in Samsun: Ramire-Pie-Maxime Vadala and His Consulate (1925-1934)”, “Diplomacy As A Source of Travelogues: The Case of Pierre Amédée Jaubert in Persia in 1805-1806”, “An Italian Physician in the Caucasian Migration of 1864: The Mission of Dr. Barozzi in Trabzon and Samsun”, “ Tanzimat Döneminde İsyancı Bir Ayan Profili: Acaralı Kör Hüseyin Bey Hadisesi”, “Güney Karadeniz’de Yeni Fransız Politikası: Pascal Fourcade ve Sinop Konsolosluğu  (1803-1809)”, “Osmanlı Şehir Tarihleri Açısından Yabancı Seyahatnamelerin Kaynak Değeri”, “İzmir’in Salgın Hastalıklar Tarihine Bir Katkı: Avrupalı Hekimlerin Gözüyle 1865 Kolera Salgını.” He penned several book chapters including “Trabzon-Erzurum Yolunda Dair Akîm Kalan Yabancı Bir Girişim: Laurent Reboul’un Yol İmtiyaz Talepleri”, “Mahalli Tarihin Kaynağı Olarak Seyahatnameler: Örnek Çalışmalar, Yöntem ve Yaklaşımlar”, “Tanzimat Dönemi Şehir Tarihi Çalışmaları Üzerine Bir Deneme.” He translated and edited following books: “İstanbul’da Kolera:1848 Salgını Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, “ Kırım Savaşı Öncesinde Osmanlı Ordusu” ve “Doğu’ya Seyahat, Bir Fransız Konsolosun Gözüyle 1830’ların Trabzonu’ndan Siyaset ve Toplum.”

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences B206
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 1516
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Assoc. Prof. Dr., Medieval History
Ph.D., 2008, Erciyes University



Research Interests: Turkish-Islamic Thought, Religion and Thought in the Seljukid and Early Ottoman Period, Waqfs in the Seljukid and Ottoman Periods.

Selected Publications: Ali KOZAN completed his MA with his thesis entitled “Şeyh Bedreddin: Hayatı, İsyan Hadisesi ve Vâridât’ın Metin Kritiği” in 2003, in 2007 he penned his dissertation “Şeyh Bedreddin ve Düşünce Tarihimizdeki Yeri,” and received his Ph.D. title. He published his book “XIII. Yüzyıldan Günümüze Tasavvuf ve Vakıf Geleneği: Akşehir’de Hacı İbrahim Sultan ve Manzumesi” in 2013. His publications include “Kadı Ebubekir İbn Arabî’nin İlk İslâm Halifelerine Bakışı (2006)”, “Tarih Yazımında Tarafsızlık Problemi: İlk Dönem Siyer-İslâm Tarihi Yazıcılığı Örneği (2008)”, “İdeolojik Okumalardan Bilimsel Zemine: Simavna Kadısıoğlu Şeyh Bedreddin İsyanı (2008)”, “İbnü’l-Arabi ve Osmanlı Felsefî/Tasavvufi Düşüncesi Üzerindeki Etkileri: Şeyh Bedreddin Örneği(2009)”, “Osmanlı Döneminde Hacıbektaş Kasabası’nda Bir Bektaşi Şeyhi: Sersem Ali Baba ve Zaviyesi (2011)”; “Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli’ye İzafe Edilen Bir Eser: Emanet-i Hazreti Pîr (2013)”, “Yazılı ve Sözlü Kaynaklara Göre Türkiye Selçukluları Devrinde Kayseri’de Şeyh ve Dervişler (2013)”, “Hacı İbrahim Sultan ve Manzumesi(2014)”, “Nevşehir Yöresinde Türkiye Selçuklu Devri Tarihi Eserleri ve Vakıf Kayıtları (2014)”, and “Urfa’da Şeyh Mesud Dede Horasani (XII. Yüzyılın Ortaları) Zaviyesi (2017)”.

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences B-202

[email protected]

Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055-(1551)

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History Department, Vice Department Chair
Assist. Prof. Dr., Early Modern History Sub-Department

Ph.D., 2019, Leiden University


Research Interests: Early Modern Ottoman Political and Intellectual History; Ottoman Historiography and Political Ideas; Comparative History of Empires and Modern European Intellectual History. Currently, he is working on a book project considering the rise of Köprülü family in the context of Eurasian Empires. He has another book project on 1687 Janissary revolt along with forthcoming articles on the reign of Murad IV.

Selected Publications: Cumhur Bekar completed his MA thesis, entitled “A New Perception of Rome, Byzantium and Constantinople in Hezarfe Hüseyin’s Universal History “ in 2011. He received his Ph.D. degree from Leiden University with his dissertation entitled “The Rise of the Köprülü Family: The Reconfiguration of Vizierial Power in the Seventeenth Century.” He penned several articles and book chapters including “The Rise of the Köprülü Household: The Transformation of Patronage in the Ottoman Empire in the Seventeenth Century” (2020), “Hollanda’da Osmanlı Çalışmalarının Tarihi” (2020), “Köprülü Mehmed Paşa’nın Osmanlı Tarih Yazımında Değişen Algısı” (2019), “Hezarfen Hüseyin’in Evrensel Tarihinde Yeni Bir Bizans ve Konstantinopolis Algısı “ (2018), “Leiden Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi’nde Bulunan Kısa Bir 17. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Tarihi” (with Ayşe Gökçen Yücel) (2017).

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 |

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History of Turkish Republic Sub-Department, Chair
Assist. Prof. Dr., Early Modern History Sub-Department

Ph.D., 2020, İstanbul Şehir University


Research Interests: 20th Century Turkey, 19th Century Ottoman History, Biography, Historical Sociology

Selected Publications: Fikriye KARAMAN wrote a MA thesis entitled “Arab Intellectuals under the Young Turks: A Comparative Historical Analysis on Memoirs (1908-1918)” (2011). Her dissertation’s title was “Mehmed Memduh Pasha: An Imperial Biography from Tanzimat to Republic” (2020). Some of her articles and book chapters are “The Great War in the Middle East” (2018), “Arab Intellectuals under the Young Turks: a Comparative Historical Analysis on Salim Ali Salam’s Memoirs” (2017) ve “The Young Turk Revolution and Ottoman Ethno-Religious Communities” (2016). 

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences A 208
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 1560
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History Department, Vice Department Chair
Assist. Prof. Dr., Medieval History Sub-Department

Ph.D., 2021, On Dokuz Mayıs University


Research Interests: Medieval European History, German Tribes, History of Church, The Church and Heretical Movements in Medieval History.

Selected Publications: Servet DOĞAN completed his MA in 1998 with a thesis entitled “İslam Düşüncesinde Hikmet Kavramı” and he received Ph.D. with his dissertation of which title is “Aryüsçü Hristiyanlık, Gotlar Dönemi ve Sonrası” in 2021. His articles include “Gotik Hristiyanlık”, (2022) “Klasik Dönem İslâm Âlimlerine göre Aryüs ve Aryüsçülük” (2022) and “Ebla Tabletleri Eski Ahit’in Tarihselliğini Destekliyor mu?” (2022).

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

[email protected]

Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055



Research Assistant, History of Turkish Republic Sub-Department
Education: Ph.D., 2019, Leiden University



Research Interests: Second Constitutional and Early Republican Period are his main research interests. He particularly focuses on the relationship between power and opposition and social life, Turkish press, development of Turkish foreign relations and history of Turkish democracy and economical history.

Selected Publications: He received his MA in 2007 at Boğaziçi University with a thesis entitled “From the Unionist Actualité to the Mass Popularity: Şehbal (1909-1914)”. Libra Kitap published his aforementioned thesis in 2010 with the title İttihatçı Aktüalitéden Kitlesel Popülariteye: Şehbal Mecmuası (1909-1914). He completed his dissertation, “The Constitutional Revolution of 1908 and Its Aftermath in Trabzon” at Universiteit Leiden in 2019. It is published under the title of Devrim Günlerinde Trabzon: II. Meşrutiyet, İttihatçılık ve Toplumsal Dönüşüm (1908-1914) in 2022 by Timaş Pub. Timaş Pub. also published two books edited, transcribed and translated by him. The first one is İsyan Günlerinde İstanbul of Sir William Ramsay (2012) and the second one is Muzaffer Alatur’s Bir Doktorun Kurtuluş Savaşı Anıları (2021). His articles and book chapters include “1929 Of Sel ve Heyelan Felaketi” (2003), “Sürgünden Üç Seda” (2004), “An Evaluation on Selim Sırrı (Tarcan)’s ‘İsveç Hatıraları’ in Şehbal Magazine” (2011), “31 Mart İsyanı’nın Trabzon’daki Yankıları” (2011), “Osmanlı Devleti’nde Yenileşme Hareketlerinde Basının Rolü: Şehbal Mecmuası Örneği” (2014), “Akim Kalmış Bir Teşebbüs: Brindizi’de Jön Türk Kongresi” (2014), “Osmanlı Topraklarında Sürgün Bir Gaspıralı” (2015). He also published several book reviews in different journals.

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 |
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Research Assistant, Ancient History Sub-Department
Ph.D., Erciyes University (continuing)



Research Interests: Ancient History, History of Ancient Asia Minor, History of Mesopotamia, Assyrian and Babylonian Rituals, Namburbi Rituals, Cuneiform Scripts (Akkadian-Summerian), Mesopotamian Deities, Anatolian Historical Ages, Ancient Anatolian Civilizations, Ancient Greek, Roman-Byzantine History.

Selected Publications: Aydanur Kocabıçak received her masters degree from Erciyes University, Institute of Social Sciences in 2015, her thesis was entitled ‘‘Eskiçağ Önasya Medeniyetlerindeki Tanrı-Kral İlişkileri ve Eski Türk Kut Anlayışıyla Benzerlikleri.” Currently, she continues her doctoral research on ‘‘Namburbi Ritüelleri’’ in the same university.

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences B 202
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 | 1539
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Research Assistant, Medieval History Sub-Department
Education: Ph.D., Sabancı University (continuing)




Research Interests: Late Medieval Cultural and Intellectual History, Occultism and Esotericism, Pre-Modern Encyclopedic Culture and Texts, Humanities, History of Ottoman Literature, Late Medieval and Early Modern Religiopolitical Ideas

Selected Publications: Cevat Sucu received his first masters degree from Bilkent University with his thesis entitled “Rûm’da Kozmopolit Model Kurmak: Dâʿî ve 15. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Metin Kültürü.” He obtained his second masters degree from Central European University, his masters thesis’ title was “The Marvelous Sciences in Acebü’l-Üccâb: Disseminating and Reframing of the Occult Knowledge for the Ottoman Audience in the Early Fifteenth Century.” Currently, he is working for ERC project “Ottoconfession: The Fashioning of a Sunni Orthodoxy and the Entangled Histories of Confession-Building in the Ottoman Empire, 15th-17th Centuries,” and he is a researcher in TÜBİTAK project “Ezop Alla Turca: Tanzimat Öncesi Döneme ait Ezop Tercümelerinin Kültürel Çeviri Bağlamında İncelenmesi.”

Office: Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences B 210
[email protected]
Phone: +90 (362) 313 0055 |
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